1 min readJul 10, 2016


Chinese Kung Fu (Martial Arts or Gongfu or Wushu) is a series of fighting styles which has developed over the centuries in China. Although being fighting styles, Kung Fu advocates virtue and peace, not aggression or violence. This has been the common value upheld by martial artists from generation to generation. With a number of movement sets, boxing styles, weapon skills and some fighting stunts, Kung Fu keeps its original function of self-defense. Now its value in body-building and fitness is also highly appreciated.

Wushu has gained popularity worldwide in recent decades and established its position as a sport discipline. The future prospects of Wushu look promising, and there are several factors contributing to this.

Firstly, Wushu is a discipline appreciated by many people around the world. With its impressive blend of athletic performance, cultural heritage, and history, it will always appeal to a wide range of people. Interest in Wushu is also fueled by the increasing number of movies, TV series, and video games showcasing the martial art and its techniques.

kung fu styles https://www.learnshaolinkungfu.com/kung-fu-styles/

